Minutes of a meeting of the WEST DEVON DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT & LICENSING COMMITTEE held on TUESDAY the3rd day of October 2023 at 10.00am in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, KILWORTHY PARK



Present         Cllr T Southcott – Chairman


Cllr A Cunningham                Cllr T Leech

                              Cllr M Ewings                        Cllr U Mann

Cllr S Guthrie                         Cllr J Moody

Cllr N Jory                              Cllr C Mott

                                                    Cllr S Wakeham                                                                                                                                                                                   

Head of Development Management (JH)

Senior Planning Officer (BH)

Monitoring Officer and Head of Legal Services (DF) (Via MS Teams)

Senior Democratic Services Officer (KH)  




                      Apologies were received from Cllr Ric Cheadle for who Cllr Mandy Ewings substituted.




                      Cllr Mott declared she had received an email from the applicant of

                      application 1314/23/OPA. Some other Members had received the

                      same email. 

                      Cllr Ewings declared her daughter had married a person with the

                      surname ‘Kneebone’ which was the same surname as the applicants

                      for planning application 1314/23/OPA, but was not sure they were





                      There was no urgent business brought forward to this meeting.




The minutes from the Committee meeting held on 5 September 2023 were approved as a true and correct record.




                     The Committee proceeded to consider the reports that had been prepared by the relevant Planning Officer on the following applications and considered also the comments of the Town and Parish Councils together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda report and summarised below:


                     (a) Application No.  1314/23/OPA       Ward: Okehampton North


Site Address: Land at SX 567 996, Inwardleigh


                           Development: Outline planning application (with all matters

                           reserved apart from access) for up to four holiday units and

                           stable block


                           Recommendation: Refusal




                           Key issues for Committee consideration:

·         Principle of development

·         Proven need for a countryside location

·         Proven need for holiday accommodation

·         Highways

·         Biodiversity

·         Drainage

·         Low carbon



                        Following the case officer’s presentation of the application and her

                        report, in response to a statement made by the applicant in the email

                        that had been sent to members of the Committee, the Head of

                        Development Management explained when a Planning Officer

                        reviews any application, the higher level strategic polices within the

                        Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan are looked at first.

                        In the case of this application those policies identified that the

                        application site is in a rural and unsustainable location and therefore

                        ‘in principle’ would fail to meet the SPT policies of the Plan.

                        The Planning Officer would then look at the TTV policies, which

                        allocate development to certain areas and identify where

                        development should be located, followed the DEV policies which look

                        at the more detailed aspects of the application.


                        The applicant then addressed the Committee. He stated he farmed in

                         Devon and Cornwall and ran holiday lodge accommodation and a 60

                         day camp site. He stated that he worked with an equestrian centre

                         in Launceston where a similar equestrian business is established.

                         The centre approached the applicant as they are full to capacity and

                         cannot expand on their site. Staff for the site would be sourced

                         locally and he felt this application would benefit the local economy.


                         The applicant was asked when the site was last used

                         for equestrian use and he stated it was used last year for certain

                         events but not used for long term use for some years.


                         The Ward Member spoke on the application, stating that he felt

                         the detailed policies were important and in a rural area diversification

                         was an important consideration.


                         In debate, policy DEV 32 was queried. The Planning Officer clarified

                         that the proposal was contrary to the aims of the policy rather than

                         specific parts of the policy. It was argued by a Member that in rural

                         areas public transport was limited. A member voiced concerns over

                         broadband connectivity to the site and the access out on to the main

                         road for vehicles leaving the site.



                                     Committee Decision:  Refusal



                      (b) Application No.  4490/22/HHO         Ward: Tavistock South-West       


                            Site Address: 58 Whitchurch Road, Tavistock PL19 9BD


                            Development: Readvertisement (revised plans)

                            Householder application for proposed demolition of single

                            story garden room and erection of two storey extension, over

                            cladding of existing external envelope with insulation, slating

                            and render systems and replacement windows and doors

                            with thermally broken PPC aluminium and new porch to

                            north east elevation


                                  Recommendation: Refusal


                            Key issues for consideration:

·         Design, scale and massing.

·         Visual impact on the host dwelling and its setting.


                            The use of zinc cladding was questioned as it was stated in the

                            report as not in keeping with the area but a Member felt it was

                            within the remit of being of low carbon material and acceptable

                            within policy DEV 20 in the Joint Local Plan.


                            In debate the size of the proposed extension was raised and

                            there was disagreement to the Officer recommendation of refusal

                            due to size and impact as they felt it was not an issue and it would

                            not being visible from the road.

                            Another member stating the wrap around extension was an

                            attempt to bring a low carbon element to the property.


                            The Head of Development reminded the Committee that the size

                            and scale of the extension was the reason for the proposed



                            Committee decision: Conditional Consent.

                            Conditions to be agreed by the Head of

                            Development Management, in consultation with the Chairman

                            and Vice Chairman of the Development and Licensing




                      The Head of Development Management took Members through an application that was dismissed at Morwell ham Dam Bungalow, Morwellham, for a holiday let. The second appeal was at Brook Barn, Milton Combe for a householder application for an extension as a replacement for an existing conservatory. This was a split decision and the Inspector agreed the extension should be dismissed but allowed the slight increase in the size of the two accesses on the basic that it had a neutral effect on the conservation area and AONB.




                        There were no questions on this item.


(The Meeting ended at 11.30am)


